Professor Arif Hepbaşlı

Name: Arif Hepbasli

Title: Professor

Presentation title: Exergy Management Matrix:  Proposal and an Acrostic Approach


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released  ISO 50001: Energy Management Standard in June 2011, which is suitable for any organization – whatever its size, sector or geographical location.  This standard was revised in 2018 by following the same High Level Structure as other widely applied ISO standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. So, its integration with other management systems will be easier. Exergy analysis has been considered a powerful tool in assessing the performance of any energy system or process in recent years while any exergy management system standard has not yet been issued. Different energy or environmental management matrices have been developed and proposed  in the literature to give a quick assessment of strengths and weaknesses across selected areas of energy management. This talk proposes an Exergy Management Matrix (ExMM) and deals with various possible meanings of the acrostic “ExMM” from a different perspective.

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